
I Almost Missed It! February 6, 2023

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Guest blog by Barbara Brennan

I almost missed it! I wasn’t even considering a return to India on this year’s mission trip, and I should know better than to go to a mission trip interest meeting. It only inspired me to return to the beautiful people of India and speak a little bit more about Jesus to them.  Then in October 2022, through Pastor Ryan’s teaching that Sunday, I heard the Lord ask if I thought He was done using me to witness to others.

Here is what I almost missed:

*Speaking Jesus and praying for ladies in the rescue homes as we did crafts together!  They remember our previous visits, showing me pictures of their babies I’ve held during visits years ago. Not all of them know the Lord as their Savior yet, but we keep up our witness for this purpose.  

*Met and toured a newer business that give work and hope to women (and they’re doing it so well) in hopes we will be able to give our testimonies and encourage a relationship with Jesus on our next visit.

* Organized a retreat for the leaders of the rescue ministries to encourage and give them a bit of rest and appreciation for what they do each day and remind them in God‘s eyes we are beautiful in our brokenness!  

* Taught Bible lessons to children at Saturday School and adults on Sunday evening.  These two worship events are church plants that our hosts (who make sure everything goes well for us while here in India) have started!  Amazing, passionate for the Lord family who never stop telling others about Jesus and how God has changed their lives.  

* A visit to a home who rescues homeless children from the railroad tracks! Some of these wonderful kids are studying for their finals coming up in a few days!  The children, ages 3-15, have a future because a Christian couple answered His call to bring 4 boys home….those 4 grew to 26 they care for and teach about Jesus in their home!  

*I also learned from the ladies I serve with! Each time I go on a mission trip I learn from those who go with me and their passion for the Lord.  

So glad I didn’t miss this! Is God nudging at your heart to Go Beyond?

Hope of Life – February 9, 2020

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One of Kingsland’s long time partners is Hope of Life, a ministry in Kolkata run by Nabin and his wife Matilda.  One day about eleven years ago, Nabin noticed that there were children left unattended at the railroad station.  He was concerned for the children, and he began visiting there every day to speak with them.  After a few weeks of visiting them, the walls started to come down, and they started to open up to Nabin.  He quickly came to a shocking conclusion.  The children were not just unattended, they lived at the railroad station….alone.  They had been abandoned by their parents.

There are several trash piles near the railroad area, and many of the children were known as “trash pickers”.  (For more information about this, I strongly encourage you to watch the Netflix documentary called “Tales By Light”, episodes “Children In Need” – Part 1 and 2.  Although the footage is not from Kolkata, the situation is nearly identical.)

Today our team met up with the kids from Hope of Life, many whom we had met back in 2012.  We gathered with them at a food court at a local mall.  I asked Nabin if they came to this mall often since their home was so close.  He said, “We have not taken the children to a restaurant in five years.”  This was a huge treat for them, and it was fun to watch them devour fried rice, chicken, Pepsi, and ice cream cones!

We were able to recreate a few pictures that we had taken the first time we met.  They are all grown up now, but many new ones have joined Nabin and Matilda.  We heard a few success stories, and some that have had heartbreaking endings as well.  Through it all, this family has remained faithful to their calling to save as many children from the dangerous life of trash picking and on the railroad tracks.

One great example of a life changed FOREVER is Soma. She has been with Hope of Life since 2011.  Lord willing, Soma will attend nursing school beginning in June.  I took the first picture below just days after she arrived at Hope of Life.  She and Pinky are both wearing head scarves.  Their scalps were so infested with lice that the staff had to completely shave their heads.  The second picture below was taken tonight, with those exact 4 girls, 9 years later.  I know it’s hard to tell from their faces, but they really were so excited to recreate this photo for me!


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Please keep Hope of Life in your prayers.  The work they are doing is so important, but entirely unseen.  Their staff could really use some encouragement, as the work is tireless.